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Sorting through all of the different shower enclosures available on the market day can literally make consumers’ heads spin. So we wanted to make the process less complicated by using today’s blog post to talk about the advantages that come with installing popular types of shower enclosures. Two styles that we’d like to hone in on first are frameless and framed shower enclosures.

Frameless shower enclosures traditionally require the expertise of a glass fabrication expert and the use of architectural-quality glass. Just in case you are unfamiliar with it, architectural-quality glass tends to be stronger, safer, easier to maintain and more versatile than other forms of glass. Thus, it may be used to create a wide variety of unique, personalized shower enclosures.

Framed shower enclosures, as you might have assumed, rely on a support system. So the room’s architectural elements must work in harmony with the shower enclosure’s exact framework. As for the framework, in most instances, it is manufactured out of metal. Furthermore, the doors may be fashioned out of plastic or thin glass. Subsequently, that tends to make them inexpensive but harder to maintain over time.

Of course framed and frameless shower enclosures are not the only options today’s consumers have at their disposal. Some may choose to go with a blend of the two types. The blends are often referred to as semi-framed shower enclosures. They are very affordable and may be crafted in a way that works with unusual layouts. Plus, semi-framed shower enclosures have the potential to look beautiful too.

To ask questions and determine which shower enclosures are right for your properties, please contact us by calling (301) 984-7500. At Hutchinson Glass & Mirror, we’ve been installing shower enclosures in and around the Washington, D.C. metro area for decades. In addition, we are members of the Glass Association of North America, the American Society of Interior Design and the Mid-Atlantic Glass Association.


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