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Are Your Bathroom Mirrors Ready to Meet Face-to-Glass with the In-Laws? | Manassas, VA

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are-your-bathroom-mirrors-ready-to-meet-face-to-glass-with-the-in-laws-manassas-vaYou’ve just got the news, company is coming. Better check out the guest and main areas of your home to make sure that they’re up to snuff. And yes, that includes those bathroom mirrors. After all, they’re known to accumulate nasty buildup caused by the use of personal care products like toothpaste, hair lacquer and scented body spray. Here’s how to get them ready before the in-laws show up:

Half fill a spray bottle with distilled water and rubbing alcohol. Then spray it onto clean paper towels and use them to wipe down the bathroom mirrors. It should remove the hair lacquer, body spray and toothpaste residue in a hurry. When you’re done, dry the glass with new paper towels and reach for some Rain‑X® Anti-Fog or a similar product.

Apply the anti-fog as directed. In our experience, it will cut down on the chances that your visitors will feel compelled to run their hands all over your bathroom mirrors after every steamy hot shower. And that will most definitely keep the germs and housework to a bare minimum during their impromptu stay. Afterward, store the anti-fog wipes, alcohol water mixture and paper towels underneath of the bathroom sink for any mid-stay, quick clean ups.

If your bathroom mirrors are in need of more than just a good cleaning and some anti-fog spray, don’t worry. Our glass and mirror experts can replace it with a new one. Depending on how much time you have before the in-laws arrive, you might even want to go with a customized look. There are various quick, easy ways to customize bathroom mirrors of all sizes. For example, you could request that the glass be cut in an interesting shape or have it rimmed with a fabulous frame. To learn more about those and other options before it's time to pick up your house guests, please contact us today.



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