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Get Ready for New Shower Doors with Proper Home Preparation | Alexandria, VA

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If you have decided that you want to improve your bathrooms and new shower doors are in your plans, you can guarantee a positive experience by using professionals for fabrication and installation.

After you meet with a professional, decide what you are going to have done, and schedule an appointment for the installation, you should focus on preparing your home for the day of the installation.

Make a Clear Pathway to Each Bathroom

It is essential to create a clear pathway to each bathroom in your home. With shower doors that are both heavy and delicate, all it takes is one little mistake for them to get damaged or completely shatter.

If this means you need to remove some furniture, it is better to be on the safe side.

Keep Pets and Children Out of the Way

Another obstacle that professionals might have trouble with is pets and children. Although you might be able to keep them out of the way just by telling them, the safer option is to get them out of the home.

Clean Up the Bathrooms Beforehand

Since the work will be happening in the bathrooms, you need to make sure that each bathroom is clean. Removing everything that you normally keep in the shower area and clearing up enough space for a professional to move around in the bathroom is essential for a problem-free installation.

Create a Nearby Parking Location

It is ideal to not make a professional carry shower doors a long way just to get in your home. Whether you move your car out of the driveway or reserve a nearby parking spot on the curb, the closer a professional can park, the less distance they have to travel to get your shower door safely inside.

If you are interested in new shower doors, contact us today.

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