mirror-feng-shui-college-park-mdIn Feng-Shui, mirrors represent the potential for increased wealth, health, and happiness. Mirrors hold a lot of power because they create a double of whatever they are reflecting. Next time you are in the mood to make some changes in your home, keep in mind these tips for ideal mirror placement. 


If you find your sleep quality lacking, it might have something to do with your bedroom mirror. Mirrors bounce energy, which can keep your mind bouncing as well. Ideally, put your bedroom mirror in a closet. If that isn't an option, just make sure you can't see your own reflection from bed.


Conventional Feng-Shui dictates that there should be no mirrors in the bathroom, however that feels extreme for our modern, western standards. If anything, make sure your mirror does not reflect the toilet because that represents draining energy. Additionally, having a full length mirror on the outside of your bathroom door will help the chi flow from the bathroom into the rest of the house.

Living/Dining Room 

Check that your living room mirrors reflect pleasant images rather than clutter or sharp edges from walls or furniture (known as poison arrows, sharp edges will cut through the energy). Do you have a beautiful view? Place a mirror so it can reflect and double the beauty. Hang a mirror in the dining room to foster abundance by reflecting food. 

At Hutchison Glass & Mirror, we can help you find new mirrors for your home. Contact us for more information.